domingo, 30 de março de 2008

Quem é o Ramon?

1. O novo dançarino de sevilhanas da Velvet.
2. Uma estrela Rock.
3. Um programador silencioso e esguio.
4. Um chef profissional.
5. Um novo avançado de pimbolim.
6. O neto secreto da D. Olinda.
7. Todas as hipóteses anteriores.

(Esta semana este mistério será resolvido.)

2 comentários:

Salamandra Pintarolas disse...

Quem sabe, todas as afirmações são verdadeiras... Mas se é um "AllSTAR Project", veio parar ao sítio certo :D
Viva La Velvet!

Unknown disse...

Every Saturday morning Ramon gets up feeling very happy. His family goes shopping to the supermarket on Saturdays; he loves accompanying them and helping to put the food for all the week in the shopping trolley. It is Saturday today. Mummy wakes Ramón up, as usual, kissing him on the cheek and dressing him. In the kitchen, Daddy is noting down the things we need to buy in the shopping list. That way, he does not forget anything. - We must buy milk, potatoes, lettuce, washing powder He goes over the shopping list out loud while he is writing and, from time to time, Mummy reminds him of some product, then Daddy quickly notes it down. - Don’t forget the oil, she says, for example. - Don’t forget the yogurts. Don’t forget the fish... Ramón enjoys all the bustle that goes on at the table while the three are having breakfast.

Isto é o Ramon...